
The Blending Brush of the Future

Have you ever had trouble blending your foundation? I certainly did. In the past, I would mix my foundation with my fingertips. It was not only unsanitary for me to touch my face in this way, but it also made my foundation look patchy.

After some research, I discovered a brush that blends your makeup for you. You’re probably wondering how it works. Blendsmart brush is motorized with a rotating brush head. The meeting works by dabbing the foundation on the needed area, placing the discussion on your face, and pressing the button. The brush head rotates to blend your foundation.

The first time I used this brush, I was amazed at how well it blended my foundation. Since I bought this brush, I have never used my fingers to mix or experiment with other blending tools. Over time, I’ve noticed that using this brush has allowed me to reduce the amount of foundation I use to blend. Blendsmart made my foundations last longer and my wallet happier.

Blendsmart sells separate brush heads for blending different types of makeup, such as concealer, powder, and blush. These brush heads can be easily interchanged depending on the kind of makeup that you are applying. These brush and brush heads are so automatic and perform so well that I think they will be the makeup tools of the future.

Here is a video showing the Blendsmart brush being used. The meeting and other brush heads can be purchased here.