Sunscreen Guide: Always Use Sunscreen

Hello, Sunshine!

I am asked often, “What’s the best thing often asked to prevent the aging of my skin?” The answer, without hesitation, is SUNSCREEN. Around 80% of signs of aging are caused by the sun. It’s responsible for wrinkles, sagging and brown spots (hyperpigmentation), white spots (hypopigmentation), as well as skin cancers. The sun feels great on the skin, and it gives us an incredibly glamorous tan. But in reality, this is a time-machine on fast-forward. It’s not a time machine; all of the sun’s radiation because the UV rays are the true culprits.

What is UV light?

What is ultraviolet(UV) light? It is an electromagnetic radiation that has enough energy to destroy chemical bonds, even living tissue. The majority of ultraviolet light is between visible light, X-rays and wavelengths between 400 and 180 n nanometers. UVA, or near UV, has a range of wavelengths between 315 and 400 nm. UVB, or middle UV, has a range of wavelengths between 280 and 315. UVC, or far UV, is a third UV band that is between 180-280 nm. UVB penetrates the epidermis, the outermost layer of skin. A suntan is the result of exposure to UVB rays. UVA can penetrate deeper into the skin and cause damage to living tissue, such as collagen and elasticity. Think of it like this – UVA is for aging and UVB is for burning.

There is such a thing as a healthy tan.

Your body likely produced Vitamin D as you tanned. When your skin is exposed in the sun, it has Vitamin D from cholesterol. The best way to obtain Vitamin D is through sun exposure, as it is hard to find Vitamin D in large quantities in food. A tan can be a sign that it has already been damaged. The body’s defense mechanism is what causes a suntan. Melanin is a pigment that cells produce in the skin. It absorbs UV rays and releases them as heat. The body sends melanin to the surrounding cells when it detects damage from the sun. This pigment darkens the skin and gives the appearance of a tan.

We all know that we have had “too many sun rays,” but what’s more, radiation can accumulate in the body. Repeated exposure increases the damage to our skin. Have you noticed that your skin is more damaged on the left side of your body than the right? Our phones and TVs are also sources of UV light. Even tanning booths can be dangerous.

How can I get vitamin D from the sun without getting sunburnt?

What are the best methods to protect our fragile skin and get Vitamin D?

It’s best to stay out of the sunlight, but UV rays can penetrate glass and reflect from surfaces. Sun-protective clothing and hats are helpful when outdoors. Sunscreens are the best way to protect our hands and faces from UV light.

What sunscreen should I choose?

It’s the sunscreen you enjoy the most that will be used the most. The US FDA recommends broad-spectrum sunscreens that have SPbroad-spectrum than 15. There is no perfect sunscreen. You will need to reapply it every two hours or more often if you’re swimming or sweating.

What’s the difference between chemical and physical sunscreen ingredients?

Although sunscreens protect the skin’s surface, there is some evidence that certain sunscreen-active ingredients can be absorbed by the skin and entered the body.

There are two main tenter active ingredients in sunscreen: Chemical active ingredients and Physical active ingredients . Chemical active ingredients absorb the sun’s radiation, convert it into heat, and then release the heat. Chemical, active ingredients can irritate some people. The risk of irritation increases when the product is applied to the eye area.

Titan dioxide and zinc oxide are the active ingredients we’ve used for our sunscreens. The minerals that are used to make physical sunscreen active ingredients are too big to absorb into the skin. Minerals are placed on the skin’s surface, where they act as hundreds of thousands of mirrors that reflect and refractive the sun’s light. Physical sunscreens can be a good alternative for those who are sensitive to chemicals. They are less likely than chemical sunscreens to irritate.

These ingredients are incorporated into our makeup pigment, so that they can be applied as the final layer and not the initial one. These sunscreens also have a water-resistant formula and are reef-safe.

What SPF should I use, last but not least?

What SPF rating should you use? SPF only measures sun protection from UVB rays. Look for “broad-spectrum protection,” which includes UVA. All sunscreens sold in the US with an SPF greater than 15 must be broad spectrum.

It is believed that the higher the SPF, the better. This is not true. A SPF 15 will protect you from 93% UVB rays. SPF 30 blocks 97% of UVB radiation, while SPF 50 blocks 98%. It isn’t very clear, but true. If you use a chemical sunblock that boasts a high SPF rating, you will also be wearing more chemicals, and you’ll get very little for your money. I recommend choosing a mineral sunscreen with an SPF of 20-30. You’ll be covered both literally and figuratively. Remember to wear sunscreen throughout the year, and don’t forget to use SPF during winter.

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